Get Details on Using WRAP for Support (and When Formal Help is Needed) You may have encountered the term WRAP while reading wellness articles and wondered: What is WRAP recovery? WRAP is an acronym for “Wellness Recovery Action Plan,” referring to wellness...
Guidance on Stimulant Overdose and Support Following an OD Overamping can be very scary. So can stimulant overdose–a potentially fatal consequence of taking drugs like methamphetamine. If you or someone you know uses stimulant drugs, it’s critical to be aware of what...
The Meth Taper Process and When to Seek Treatment Support Statistics from the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA) show that about 500 people try meth for the first time each day, and about two million people use meth per year....
Guidance on the 12-Step Timeline and Process for Working the Steps During the Alcoholics Anonymous or Narcotics Anonymous recovery process, you probably have many questions about the possibility of long-term success. One such question is probably: How long do the 12...
Using Relapse Prevention Techniques When Cravings Get Strong Do you remember watching an older VHS movie? Some of us remember being thrilled by the “new tech” that allowed us to pause or rewind to an important detail or even fast forward and watch the end...
Know the Consequences for Failed Tests in a Variety of Situations When an employee or job applicant fails drug tests, the positive result can be devastating to one’s career. Often, company policy requires drug testing as part of potential employees’ hiring...