The Sponsor/Sponsee Relationship and How to Keep it Healthy The Alcoholics Anonymous recovery process relies on facilitators and sponsors, the volunteers who keep local support group meetings going from week to week. Within the AA framework, the sponsor/sponsee...
Words and Sayings to Support Recovery from Tribes Across the US Native Americans were the original stewards of our continent’s vast prairies, lonesome deserts, and beautiful rolling hills. They did not all have the same religion; they followed distinct spiritual...
Get Details on Using WRAP for Support (and When Formal Help is Needed) You may have encountered the term WRAP while reading wellness articles and wondered: What is WRAP recovery? WRAP is an acronym for “Wellness Recovery Action Plan,” referring to wellness...
The Risks and Reasons People Have for Gumming Cocaine People who use cocaine consume the drug in many different ways. You might snort, smoke, or inject cocaine, but it is also possible to use the drug by rubbing it on your gums. Sometimes, there are reasons people...
Guidance on Stimulant Overdose and Support Following an OD Overamping can be very scary. So can stimulant overdose–a potentially fatal consequence of taking drugs like methamphetamine. If you or someone you know uses stimulant drugs, it’s critical to be aware of what...
Get Guidance to Carry Through Step 8 Successfully Completing the steps of Alcoholics Anonymous and Narcotics Anonymous supports lasting and genuine healing. Our AA Step 8 Worksheet can help you in the making direct amends process. Some need a little extra support, as...